The Journey Begins

This blog will document the repair and partial restoration of a 1978 BMW R100/7 that’s approaching 75k miles.  The fairing is after market, as are the seat and backrest.  The bike is metal-flake black with gold pin striping.

Note:  Most of the pictures in this blog are high resolution.  If you can’t left-click on the image to enlarge, try right-click, view image (or whatever your browser supports).

As you can see from the first picture, taken from the Craigslist ad, the bike is already in pretty good condition.  It doesn’t show any signs of being left out in the elements, even under cover.  There’s no significant corrosion or rust anywhere.  But, as with any vehicle approaching 40 years of age,  there are problems that need to be addressed.

Not perfect, but very clean!

In my pre-purchase inspection I identified some potential drive line problems, also, the rear-wheel bearings appear to be shot.   The clutch seems to engage late, so it may need to be replaced as well.  The alternator works, but the warning light flickers at idle.  So the charging systems may also need some attention.

The bike starts easily when cold, idles well, the exhaust is clean — no signs of burning oil or running rich, and there don’t appear to be any major oil leaks.

I’m not a big fan of the fairing, but the original headlight bucket and lamp are long gone, so until I can source parts for those I’m leaving the fairing on.  Who knows, perhaps it will grow on me.

As soon as I can get the bike up on a lift, I’m going to start at the back where I know there are problems, and then start working my way forward.
