New Fuel Lines

Mileage: 76,597

Maintenance Summary:

  • Installed New Fuel Lines

The previous owner had installed some inexpensive clear plastic fuel lines and in-line filters. Well, one of the lines slipped off and I had fuel pouring over a hot cylinder. Fortunately the fuel didn’t ignite.

I replaced the plastic lines 7mm cloth covered Continental rubber fuel lines, just like the bike would have originally come with. I bought 3′ and had plenty to spare. I chose not to install filters. The bike didn’t come with them, and there are already filters in the petcock. The fuel line was easy to cut with a cable cutter that I use with battery cable gauge wire. It cuts square, and the cloth isn’t frayed, at least not yet. Some of the hose dealers will include heat-shrink tubing to hold the edge fraying to a minimum.

To get the tubing through the airbox I used a really long screwdriver that I own to help guide the hose end from one side to the other. It was a lot faster than pulling the airbox apart. A bit of electrical tape around the hose end and screwdriver helped pull it through the last bit. Otherwise I just pushed it though from one side.

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